Burwell Village Carnival



The Burwell Carnival Committee Team are really pleased to be able to donate 'Christmas Present Funding Gifts' from the profits of Burwell Carnival 2024.

To qualify you must be a community group or charity either based in Burwell, or providing services to Burwell. Your application should include: 

  1. Who the group is and how do they benefit the local community.
  2. A copy of your constitution or charter or if you don’t have this, an explanation of how your group’s finances are managed.
  3. What the money will be spent on and when.
  4. How you supported carnival activities this year.
  5. Payment/bank details and how you will evidence the money has been spent appropriately.
  6. Following receipt of a carnival donation, groups should send us a brief update once spent. We would love a few words and a picture (if possible) which can be used on social media or for future carnival publicity. Please provide the contact details of the person responsible for doing this.

Please note that if you haven't sent us a report or update on any donation given the previous year, your application will not be considered. This report can be included with your new application.

Please submit any applications by Sunday 3rd November 2024 to BurwellCarnival@gmail.com