Groups attending this years parade are:
The groups will meet at the Burwell Ex-Service and Social Club at 12.40pm, the parade will start at 1pm to arrive on the recreation ground by 1.30pm - just in time to see a flypast of the Battle of Britain plane, The Lancaster.
Could you be our next Carnival King or Queen?
Burwell Carnival are bringing back the carnival King & Queen to all children primary school age! Our King and Queen will lead the parade and join our judges on stage to present the winners with their prizes!
To enter, you will need to create a poster, using any medium, relating to either transport or our village carnival.
Please email entries to or hand them in to Tina’s.
Please include your name, parents name, contact number/email and whether you are applying for King or Queen on the application. The King and Queen will also receive a £20 Amazon gift card.
Entries must be in by Friday 14th June 2024.
Below is useful information and guidance:
Overall Responsibility for the event Burwell Carnival committee
Lead Marshall and Traffic Management Operative TBC
Personal Responsibility: At any time please do not put yourself at any risk. Road Marshals are there to guide traffic but cannot enforce the closure. Road Marshals should not use hand signals in the road.
Clothing: Road Marshals must wear a Hi Viz waist coat/tabard at all times. These will be issued by a committee member on the day. Please ensure that they are returned.
First Aid: Please direct minor injuries to the first aid tent on the carnival field or call an ambulance for an serious injuries/illnesses. All marching groups shall have a First Aider and First Aid Kit. Further details will be give at the marshal briefing to identify a lead first aider marching with the cadets and the responsible burwell carnival committee member.
Lost Children: Should you find a lost child please keep them with you and ask another member of the public (not a relative) to remain with you and contact Helen Tedman for further advice.
For road closure issues: Please contact the Lead Marshall and Traffic Management Operative. Road Closure notices will be posted at all junctions joining the Causeway and Hythe Lane. A lead marshal will follow the crowd. That marshal will be responsible for informing the other marshals when it’s safe to lift the closures. Marshals should wait until the crowd is clear before lifting the closures. Once the crowd has passed Low road on Hythe Lane, move the Low Road Closure to Hythe Lane (stopping vehicles approaching the rec until the crowd is clear). Open the causeway/North St closures only after this sign is moved. Marshals on Weirs Drove to advise drivers to not park on both sides of the road blocking emergency access
The Hot Principle: Please see the poster regarding abandoned/left items and suspicious packages .
Evacuation/Emergency: If the operational Event Management team consider that an emergency is to be declared marshals will be informed and deployed to organise crowd control or evacuation of the site as necessary. The announcer will inform the public over the PA system taking care not to instil panic. Users of the field will be led via the two main exits to a safe location in Weirs Drove until the situation is under control. On arrival operational command will move to the emergency services if necessary. The Event Management Team will liaise with the emergency services and take advice from them. Emergency services access routes/Fire Lanes are marked along the edge of the field, behind the stage and market stalls. These routes will be marked clearly so that they are not blocked.
There will be no parking available at Burwell Ex-Service club and please DO NOT park on the Causeway.
Burwell Doctors Surgery have kindly agreed that we can use their car park for the day so we suggest any paraders use this as it is a short walk to the start of the parade.